Republic Day was celebrated across our country today. Today
we are supposed to be proud Indians living in a democratic, free environment
having the choice to elect our leaders and exercise our rights.
It was with this thought that the day begun with Mrs.Priya Murli
starting her workshop today not to continue to just teach more mudras and steps
of the dance but by introducing the importance of working and learning
together, emphasising that it was even more important today being Republic Day
and made each one realise that before they are Chennaites or Goans, they are
all Indians, and it is the beauty of this variety that makes India so special.
She then started her class asking each one to be proud of
herself, and hold her posture and mudra with confidence because good posture
makes for good body language which helps in building oneself holistically.
Once the rhythm was set, she then taught started working on
a small dance piece with them using a tamil patriotic peom written by
Subramanya Bharati called Bharata Samoodayam Valgaway. The poen is really simple but beautiful piece
talking about the diversity of India being the beauty and pride of the country.
Priya made the steps and sequence seems so effortless for the girls that they
learnt the first half of the dance in no time.
Priya then spent some time giving them a little theoretical
knowledge about the dance, ending the session with stretches and silent
meditation, to help them understand the need for physical exercise to keep our
bodies agile and healthy.
Since, we had observed that the two groups of girls were just
not warming up with each other, we changed our workshop plan from print
development to working on trust exercises and team-exercises to imbibe more
group dynamics amongst them.
Apart from
the fun they all had it really helped in making them communicate with each
other to complete a task and work further and find solutions.
We then once again put them with their partners and worked
on an outdoor sculpting exercise where they pairs had to collect materials from
the surroundings and build an structure together.
It was challenging for many
who had not worked together before but once again since the task compelled them
to work together they found a way. Many of them were very proud of their
creation once done.
We ended the day with an interaction with two friends of
Tara Trust from Chennai, Anjali Krishnan and Karpagam Maya coming to
participate in the activities and then interacting with the girls but telling
them their stories of growing up as girls and finding a path to fulfil their
dreams and professional ambition.
Anjali Krishnan, advertising and styling
professional actually got to explain her work first hand, as Kaushik Jay
brought along a model to teach subject based photography. Anjali took a short
session of how space, lighting is chosen and how one helps a model to fit into
a particular mood etc with Kaushik guiding them to work on a subject and see it
from all angles. Of course, the most interesting part for most of the girls was
to meet a model.
The day was really good and all of us facilitators could
start seeing some more interaction and communication between the girls, and all
of it was lost in no time because there were families of 4 of the girls from
Chennai who came to visit them. These girls have been let out of their homes
for the first time, so the anxiety of the parents in understandable but somehow
they are so protective that they are coming to check on them every day and it
just breaks the momentum built in the group. We have, our partner organisation
Nalamdana has and so has the principal of the Chennai school explained to the
parents the importance of letting them be alone for the camp days but they don’t
want to respect the rules at all. It is quite upsetting because somehow all
what one works for is washed off in a moment but we don’t give up but also realise
through these experiences that it is not the children but the parents need
education. This is a story prevalent in every part of India … and we call
ourselves a “REPUBLIC”
Happy Republic Day for yesterday! January 26 is also Australia Day. So, besides the cricket, we also have that in common. Maybe I should not mention the cricket :-)