Our mission at Tara Trust is to make learning fun, and we do that by conducting art workshops with the various schools, homes and orphanages we support. We have been tirelessly working on these workshops for the last two and a half years.(www.paintingthemwithhappiness.blogspot.com)
The children we work with either come from homes where both parents work menial jobs, or only the father works at a factory or at a construction site. Some, children come from broken homes and single parents, some are orphans and also children with special needs.
It has been our endeavor that thru the exercises we do with them, which range from teaching the English Alphabets thru a game to visualizing their future careers and also role playing thru story-telling, we want the children to
- - Learn positivity
- - Be motivated and encourage to dream
- - To learn about people, places, cultures around them
- - To learn inter-personal skills
- - To gain confidence and be able to face different situations
When, we got the offer to conduct an art workshop in Delhi at Sanskriti Kendra, we could not but think of bringing the children we have been working with in Goa to New Delhi, the capital of our country. This would not only give them an opportunity to see a new place and experience new people, but also it will be like a reward, a dream come true to these children who sometimes have not been even beyond the slum or settlement in which they live.
While planning the operations and requirements of this workshop, is when it suddenly struck me, why not try to organize these workshops all over India, and try and take as many as possible to different cities.
I have a 1000 dreams and 1000 visions every time I meet these kids we work with. They also deserve a decent life, they also deserve to learn, travel, experience like any child from a well off family. Also, they are equally a part of the future of our country apart from the privileged children, and if we have to really move in the path of progress and change these children need equal attention or more, so they can aspire to change their living conditions and move into the educated, informed and prosperous environment.
The only way we can start that change is by taking them to different places, showing them different things, by making them meet new people, see new environments and cultures.
And, as they make their own paper crane, we hope they are all making a wish for their future, a wish that will give them a better life and a better world.